Magazine Layout + Print Design (WGA)
Case Study
I was commissioned by the Western Growers Association to redesign and develop a new layout for their bi-monthly magazine. This project was picked up from the previous designer that was in-house. Using these working files, I was able to create and refine a new layout that upholds the brand’s already established look and feel, along with creating a new template for me to easily pick up the work for future issues of the magazine.
Goals and Challenges
For this project I had a few major goals in mind. I needed to create a style that felt modern and new, while still maintaining the main look and feel of the magazine. I wanted to make some major changes to some of the sections of the layout and improve the overall flow of the magazine.
One major example of this style change was to update the section dividers.
The previous style was bulky and used up a lot of space on the page. I minimized this divider and redid the layout. This new flow allowed for more words on the page and more white space for a better reading experience.
Another goal I had for this revision was the create a working file that I could return to and finish the latest issue with ease. This meant that I needed to use InDesign’s paragraph, character, and object styles to my advantage. Cleaning up and streamlining these guides were key to supporting my work in future issues of the magazine.
Working off some of the previous designer’s style sheets, I cleaned up and reorganized the style guide for this new working file.
Working as a freelancer, this project required a lot of back and forth between me, the editor and the marketing director. After a few revisions, we were able to land on a new update to the magazine. Additionally, the changes I made allowed for more room to grow and improve the magazine with each new issue. At the time of writing this, I have completed three full issues of the magazine. With every issue, I am adding and refining the layout and working files to help improve our process and the visual look.
Design and Creative Direction: Michael Escañuelas
Editor: Michelle Rivera
Director, Communications: Ann Donahue